Designed and Developed By:

Dr Todd Gignac

Carolina Gignac
Full Time Mum and
CEO of everything else
We want to revolutionise the way the consumers think and shop by
providing high quality non-toxic, natural, sustainable and
ethically produced products while supporting local industries.
To bring safe and healthy sleep to the entire planet one Killapilla at
a time. Thus leaving a timeless LEGACY.
We are a very busy family and we LOVE it!
Todd is busy serving in his Chiropractic office. While Carolina runs the everyday operations of Killa Industries.
Our pride and joy as parents are our 2 beautiful daughters. We honestly feel (as most parents do, I’m sure) that we were born to be parents. We just LOVE it!
With all of the moving components of parenting and running a business there are many hats that I (Carolina) wear.
Perhaps you can relate ☺ There’s netball, cross country, singing, dance, roller hockey, school commitments, and more after-school activities, volunteering PLUS working backstage at our Chiropractic practice PLUS all that is entailed with running a pillow manufacturing business. PLUS running the house, caring for the chickens, the cat, and dealing with all of the exciting daily events that come with living in rural Queensland.
There is NEVER a dull moment!

It is our life. It is how we DO life.
Every day we walk into our Chiropractic practice with the intention of growing the
health of our planet, one adjustment at a time.
We love and care for our practice members and consider them to be
part of our extended family.
In our Chiropractic office, people trust us to give them safe and healthy
recommendations to build and grow their health.
Diet, exercise, and even asking about pillows.
One day we were faced with the reality that we didn’t feel comfortable selling the
therapeutic pillows that we were stocking. They were the pillows commonly
recommended by Chiropractors throughout Australia.
Why weren’t we comfortable?
Two main reasons…
1) We realized that these pillows were actually placing the head in a degree of
forward head posture during sleep!
2) They were made from synthetic and “natural” materials making them
incredibly TOXIC!
We looked for alternatives, but there were none.
We started with a vision.
We had a concept that was completely “out of the mainstream box”.
To create a pillow that had a positive impact on people AND the planet.
So many people could care less about spending more than $15 on a fluffy synthetic pillow to support their head at night.
Their kids, even less. They might get the cheaper $5 pillow.
No one stops to think about the chemicals that are being manufactured to make the synthetic materials that most pillows are made from.
But there are other important things to consider… what about the people that work there? If the materials are made overseas, then
there are questions about the health and safety of the employees and the fairness of their wages.
What about the chemical waste generated during manufacturing? Where does that go? What about when the pillow has reached the end of its’ life. How long will it take to biodegrade and what is the toxic burden to the environment?
People, families, landfills, soil, waterways, and the future health of our planet all came into our awareness of a BIG PICTURE.

Delivering Chiropractic in Fiji

Bringing supplies to orphanage in Fiji
We wanted to create a pillow that actually helped make the world a healthier place.
A pillow that aligned with many of our core values.
It had to be:
- Spinally Correct
- Made from All Natural and Organic materials
- Australian Made to support our local economy
- Non-Toxic to produce, use, and to dispose of
- Plastic Free Packaging
- Locally and Ethically Sourced materials
- Leaving a Healthy Legacy
We wanted to create a pillow that would be non-toxic and completely safe for us to use in our own home with our own family and also one that we can confidently recommend within our practice and distribute throughout the globe.
This is the only pillow of it’s kind.
It is truly
The Healthiest Pillow on the Planet

Early days of business planning and prototyping.